Sep 30, 2010

Bicycles on footpaths

I have received a number of letters this week from residents concerned about adults riding their bikes on the footpath.  It is illegal for adults to ride on the footpath, unless you are supervising a child under the age of 12.  Children under 12 years of age can ride on a footpath.

Shared paths: Across NSW there are paths that can be used by both pedestrians and bicycle riders, such as the newly constructed shared cycleway along Wentworth Avenue. These will be clearly signposted. Always travel at a speed that promotes safety for you and the pedestrians you encounter.

Ban on Trans Fat

In October 2009 the Hon. Bob Carr, the former Premier of New South Wales, was the keynote speaker at the annual conference of the Local Government Association.  In what the Daily Telegraph described on 27th October, 2009 as an impassioned speech, Mr Carr called on New South Wales councils to stop children “being poisoned” by fatty, salty and calorie laden fast food.  Mr. Carr asserted that councils had the power to force manufacturers to stop using dangerous fats – such as hydrogenated, saturated and trans fats – and could force restaurant chains to display the calorie content of meals on menus.

Mr Carr said; “trans fats are poison, a paediatrician from Macarthur said to me recently. Food manufacturers find it best for doughnuts and biscuits, they load them up with trans fats. They are devastating - they reduce good cholesterol and increase the bad stuff. It’s murderous to your health.” I pointed out to Council when those comments were made that Mr Carr
would readily appreciate that New South Wales councils do not have the legislative power to introduce such legislation.  What he suggests is something that could only be implemented by the New South Wales Parliament or  the Commonwealth Parliament.

However, councils could utilise powers under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, by conditioning development consents in certain circumstances on the basis that it is addressing a serious health issue. In determining any Development Application, councils are required to consider, what is contained in s79C, the public interest. There can be no greater public interest than that of the Nation’s and the community’s health. This may not be a solution but may prompt the State or Commonwealth Legislature out of their apathy/

The banning of trans fats might be novel in Australia, but this is not the case overseas. As early as March 2003 by Executive Order, the Danish Government required major reductions in trans fat.
And on the 25 July, 2008 the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzeneggar signed legislation, Assembly Bill 97, or AB 97, that in effect will phase out the use of trans fats in all California restaurants by the beginning of 2010 and from all baked foods by 2011.

Governor Schwarzenegger announced that “California is a leader in promoting health and nutrition, and I am pleased to continue that tradition by being the first State in the Nation to phase out trans fats”. The Governor said “consuming trans fat is linked to coronary heart disease, and today we are taking a strong step towards creating a healthier future for California.”

 In signing the legislation, the Governor drew the attention of Californians to scientific evidence that demonstrated a strong association between the consumption of artificial trans fat and the development of coronary heart disease and stroke, as well as other chronic conditions such as diabetes. The Governor drew attention to the article published by Susan Okie, M.D. on 17 May, 2007 in the New England Journal of Medicine where the author suggested eliminating artificial trans fats from the food supply could prevent between 6 and 19 percent of heart attacks and related deaths each year in the United States. Governor Schwarzenegger indicated that coronary heart disease was the leading cause of death in California, and AB 97 was a strong step towards removing this harmful substance from foods that Californians purchase and consume.

In the City of New York, the Board of Health took steps to ban trans fats, making it the first city in the US to ban the use of what are considered to be artery-clogging artificial trans fats in restaurants – from the corner pizzeria to the high end bakeries. The determination by the Board of Health stated that restaurants in New York were barred from using most frying oils containing artificial trans fats by July of 2007 and had to eliminate the artificial trans fats from all their foods by July 2008.

The US National Restaurant Association was outraged saying: “we don’t think that a Municipal Health Agency has any business banning a product the Food and Drug Administration has recently approved.” Rejecting the outcry from the vested interest groups, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said: “nobody wants to take away your French fries and hamburgers – I love those things too.”  He added “that if you can make them with something that is less damaging to your health, we should do that.”
To me, that is logical and sensible.

On the other side of the world in the State of New South Wales, the State Government’s Food Authority refers to what it considered to be considerable controversy surrounding the safety and use of trans fats both over overseas and in Australia.  The NSW Food Authority asserts  “studies show Australia has one of the lowest levels of exposure to trans fats in the world and is well within World Health Organisation’s recommendations for trans fat consumption.”

The Authority advises that despite that, it is working with the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand in conducting formal scientific reviews of trans fat in our food supply. And, as well, it is working with the National Heart Foundation of Australia, the Dieticians’ Association of Australia and the food industry itself to develop strategies for further reducing trans fats in food.

I don’t consider, as the NSW Food Authority does, that there is considerable controversy surrounding the safety use of trans fats overseas and in Australia. The controversy rises when a government seeks to eliminate trans fats and this action impacts on and is opposed by the vested interest groups.

The NSW Food Authority publishes on its website that, trans fats are trans fatty acids. Fatty acids, together with glycerine, are the main building blocks of all fats and oils. Trans fatty acids are unsaturated but, unlike the “good” unsaturated fatty acids found in fish and vegetable oils, trans fats behave similarly to saturated fats in the body and have similar health issues. The New South Wales Food Authority advises that trans fats can be found naturally in meat and milk from certain animals and as a product of fats and oils altered by industrial processes, such as hydrogenation. Hydrogenation is widely used to solidify liquid vegetable oils to make products such as margarines and shortenings and involves adding hydrogen to the oils. Trans fats are not formed through deep frying food in vegetable oils. Commercially produced fats such as margarine spreads, fats used in deep frying and fats used in pastry dough, are likely to contain some trans fats.

In addressing the question “Are trans fats bad?”, the NSW Food Authority makes the salient point that “trans fats and saturated fats increase the level of ‘bad’ cholesterol and lower the ‘good’ cholesterol levels.” “This,” the Authority adds, “can cause a number of serious health problems.”

It is my view that Mr Carr was right about one thing in respect to councils and that is that we are the tier of government that can make a difference straight away. It is nearly a year ago that Council adopted a policy to address this serious health problem whereby Conditions of Consent are attached to any Development Application, or variation of a Development Application, that relates to any food retail outlets, food manufacturer or food suppliers by applying the same prohibitions that were enacted by the New York City. We are about to undertake a review of the effectiveness of that policy but I suspect unless the food industry is compelled by legislation to address the issues in the same way as some other countries we will as Mr. Carr asserted just contine to allow children to be “poisoned” by fatty, salty and calorie laden fast food

HSC fast approaching

With the school holidays coming to a close our HSC students are gearing up for the “grand finale.”  I am sure they will be feeling lots of mixed emotions over the next few weeks.  Excitement and sadness at the realisation that they have no more “school,” yet nervous at the weeks ahead as they do their HSC exams.  As I told my two sons on many occasions during this time it doesn’t matter whether you choose tertiary study or work as long as you give yourself options.

Study hard, have no regrets, and simply do your best. On behalf of myself, and my colleagues, I wish all those about to embark on their HSC exams all the best, and every success.  

A Quiet place

And don’t forget if you are looking for a quiet place to study the Central Library at Eastgardens is a good place to start and the staff will only be too happy to help if you need to find a reference or book.  Over the next few weeks the staff open up the Committee Room as well when it is not booked. Mascot Library also has quiet areas, particularly the new study rooms upstairs.  

Sep 29, 2010

The Youngest New Aussie

School Crossing safety improvements

Council will begin work in Brighton Street, Banksmeadow, in front of the Banksmeadow Public School to improve the safety of the children’s pedestrian crossing.  Complaints about the crossing were subject to a report and inspection by the Local Traffic Committee.  The Committee which is comprised of the representatives from the RTA, the Local Police and the two State Members of Parliament, have made a number of recommendations to Council which will be implemented immediately and carried out during the school holidays.  The safety of the many children who use the crossing on a regular basis is paramount.

Sep 28, 2010

Ports Minister takes a stand

At last we have a Minister for Ports who is actually prepared to do the right thing when it comes to moving freight from Port Botany. I commend the new Minister, the Hon Eric Roozendaal for slapping a ban on Patrick’s planned price hike for rail access to Port Botany and his announcement that he would be regulating freight prices.  As the Minister rightly stated the stevedore’s unjustified act not only held everyone in the supply chain to "ransom" but it also went against the spirit of the Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS) framework of moving 40% of freight by rail.  

There is no justification for a new rail charge. It will force more trucks onto our roads.  There is a long way to go to ensuring that the Port Botany Expansion does not completely clog our streets and roads with trucks, but the strong stance shown by the Minister last week is encouraging, and it reassuring that we now a Minister who is committed to meeting the target of moving 40 percent of freight by rail.  

New Learn to Swim Programs at Pool

Last week I received emails from about twenty or so residents in relation to Council’s decision to call for Expressions of Interest for the Learn to Swim program at the City of Botany Bay Municipal Pool and complaining about Council’s  decision to  award the right to conduct such program to Pamstream Aquatic and Leisure Management.
I was a little perplexed by so many people writing to me on behalf of only one applicant for an Expression of Interest, suggesting somehow I had some right to interfere in a public tender process. Never in the entire time in office had I ever been requested by so many people to do something, that had I endeavoured to do, would have been so improper,  it could have been considered to be corrupt conduct.

Learn to Swim classes for the 2009/2010 swim season which was formerly conducted by Seas the Limit terminated when the pool closed for winter in April of this year. During the off season Council, like any efficient organisation should, conducted a review of all of the operations at the swimming complex which included the Learn to Swim Program.  In August 2010 Expressions of Interests for the program were called for Learn to Swim Classes to be conducted on the re-opening of the pool in October. Council Officers  judged each Expression of Interest on its merits and Council awarded Learn to Swim program rights to Pamstream Aquatic and Leisure Management from when the pool opens.
Ratepayers and residents would expect council, as is required, to work through a proper process and to consider a number of factors and apply weightings to those factors.  To do otherwise would be improper.  As a public authority Council must ensure that the proper return on ratepayer’s assets is a primary responsibility.  Not to do so would be an abuse of that trust.  Council has not worked so hard, and succeed to be one of the very few council’s that is  DEBT FREE by not properly managing ratepayers assets.
This Council cannot not make a decision solely based on an orchestrated campaign from fee paying customers of a competing applicant who had submitted an Expression of Interest, and who would gain financially from such a determination. Nor could Council officers be influenced by a media campaign from a group of residents threatening to take their custom elsewhere.  Again, to influence the independent determinations of the Expression of Interest, had the council been so influenced, would have been improper and, could be regarded as corrupt conduct. As would any attempt by any elected representative to interfere in that process.
Council’s decision does not relate to any swim club that may wish book or use the facility.  The facility remains to be used and hired in accordance with Council’s policies. This decision only affects the financial interests of those who submitted Expressions of Interest. Anyone has the right to attend Learn to Swim classes or swimming clubs at either Council’s facility or any other facility where similar services are available. They do not have the right to ask me do to do something unlawful or improper.

Sep 26, 2010

Windgap triumph at Local Gala Day

Jellicoe Park was the location for a great day of football when our local Windgap Warriors took on the MRS (Multicultural Respite Services). I am told there was a lot riding on one particular match which last year ended in a 7all draw.  Well, each team must have got that much better this year as it still ended in a draw only this time it was 11all. Both teams have vowed to return to battle it out again next year!  The day was organised by Windgap, Pagewood Football Club and the Special Olympics Team New South Wales.  Well done to the Windgap Warriors who have been training with the Pagewood Football Club for the past couple of years.

Pool Opens next weekend

Botany Aquatic Centre, home of the Botany Big Splash Waterslides, will open its gates on Saturday October 2 for the summer season. Hopefully the weather will be kind and we all have a great season enjoying the activities on offer including the 50 metre pool, the toddlers wading pool and the well kept grass area together with picnic tables and barbeques. Just a reminder if you are an Aged Pensioner who lives within the City of Botany Bay entry is free.  Simply fill in an application form when you arrive at the pool for your first visit and you will be issued with your season pass.  Aged Pension Cards must be shown. The season pass is not transferable and admits only one Aged person.

Sep 23, 2010

Little Athletics back on the track

The 2010 season for Randwick Botany Little Athletics is off and running … training on the new track will begin in October but in the meantime they are all warming up at Mutch Park for the big comeback! Registrations for this season are up but they are always ready to welcome any young athlete who wants to train and have fun.  Joining Little A’s is the perfect way to get an edge over your team mates for next seasons winter sports.  Increase your speed and agility and run rings around your mates on the footie field next season! Give Tony Vecellio a call on 93494862 and find out how you can keep fit, have fun and improve your athletic skills all at the same time.

Sep 22, 2010

School holidays in the Library

The library staff have organised some events to keep local school children occupied during the holidays.  

First up is Christmas Baubles -
Christmas is just around the corner and what better way to prepare than making your own Christmas baubles to decorate the Christmas tree.  You will have an opportunity to use different techniques to create a wide range of effects for your personalised baubles.  You’ll need to book for these sessions which will be held on Monday, 27th September between 2:30 – 4:30 pm and Tuesday, 5th October between 10:00am and 12:00 noon. This one is for those aged over 6 and there is a small charge of $3 per child per session to cover costs.  Call Candy at the Central Library Eastgardens on 9366 3888 to make your booking.

“Backyard Bugs” show  This one is not for the faint hearted.  Rangers on the Run will visit the Central Library at Eastgardens on Friday, 1st October  between 10.30am and 11.30am with their show Backyard Bugs which focuses on the world of mini beasts. Three groups of bugs are investigated– Myriapods, Insects and Arachnids. Backyard Bugs is totally interactive and allows children to hold and screaming! Backyard Bugs is for those aged 4 and over and bookings are essential as places are limited. There is an entry fee of $3 per child, which includes one parent per family (if desired). Bookings need to be made in person to Candy on 9366 3888.

Sep 21, 2010

Playgrounds - upgrades and improvements

Our outdoor staff are very excited about two new “regional” playgrounds that are underway and, when finished, will complement the very popular Booralee Park playground, in Botany.  If you’re around Jellicoe Park you’ll see that excavation is progressing for the new playground.

The first lot of new equipment is due in the next week or so and we plan to have this new playground open for the Christmas school holidays.  The new playground in Sir Joseph Banks Park is about 40% done and we plan to have it at a safe level by the end of next month – for “testing” by the kids who live in the area.  All other playgrounds  - there are 46 in total, varying in size – are also being inspected in preparation for the warmer months when the kids have energy to burn on swings, slides and all the other playground equipment.  Some of our smaller ones, which meet the needs of the children living nearby, need some updated equipment and soft fall and the like. We’ll be doing the work progressively as we match population statistics to playgrounds.  What we do is check the population figures, see where there are children of different age groups and plan playgrounds to meet the particular needs.  

Sep 20, 2010

Special weeks coming...

In the next couple of months we have some special weeks to celebrate and promotions to organise.  First is National Water Week (in October) when we’ll place emphasis on saving water while keeping gardens and communities sustainable.  After that we’re into National Recycling Week (in November) when we’ll be focusing on recycling and reuse of resources.  In the next few weeks I’ll give more information about these events and not only what we’re doing but also some of the special things we’ve got planned.

Sep 19, 2010

Athletics Associations

With the new season of little athletics ready to launch forth on the track and facilities at the upgraded Hensley Athletics Field, the difference in athletics between the various levels of competition has never been more apparent. We will have at Hensley a new season of great competition by young athletes who are the future of their various disciplines.

To watch them any Saturday is to see athletics at its most exuberant. I contrast that with the organisation of athletics at the national level. Remember when we were going through all the planning for the Hensley upgrade and the criticism we got. The alleged elite athletes were our constant critics. Nothing we were doing was right. Our crime at the stage was not to hand over a valued community asset to a small group of athletes who, in their minds, knew better than us We resisted the entreaties of the critics and went ahead and delivered a new community asset that will benefit our City and athletics in our region for generations.
This was brought home to me in the past week when reigning Commonwealth 400 meter champion John Steffensen withdrew from the Australian team for the Delhi Commonwealth Games.
He withdrew because of the inflexibility and bureaucratic mindset of officials in Athletics Australia – one of the organisations that was used to criticise us over Hensley.
Steffensen is the Commonwealth champion and he won’t be competing in the Commonwealth Games.
His crime, as far as the officials were concerned, was that he had to follow their inflexible rules when it came to qualifying.
He’d had a back operation and wanted an exemption on qualifying. His operation was timed so that he could compete in Delhi – but that wasn’t good enough for the black and white bureaucrats who love their official roles.
If he didn’t run to qualify – and that would have been after surgery – his spot could be guaranteed.
Even though he was the champion, others with lesser times could take the spot. The official inflexibility means the Commonwealth champion won’t be at the Commonwealth Games representing Australia. Steffensen isn’t the only one.
Long distance runner and Melbourne Commonwealth Games hero Craig Mottram was another.
Mottram had an Achilles tendon injury and could do the qualifiers.  Others have filled the places and he’s left out.
Having had some experience with athletics officials, I cannot only sympathise with John Steffensen and Craig Mottram, I see but don’t understand the bloody mindedness of athletics officials.
These two elite athletes experienced it in their quest to represent their nation.
We saw it, on a much smaller scale, over the redevelopment of Hensley.
We persevered and produced a community asset for this City. Our community won.  Steffensen and Mottram lost and athletics is the poorer for that loss. But the officials go on regardless.

Sep 17, 2010

Major New Developments

As the new Australian Government formalises the beginnings of its new term, and as that term will have an almost total economic focus, I thought it appropriate to give an indication of what major developments are in the pipeline for our City. The ones I’ll outline have a total value approaching $200 million. This is a big investment in our City, it underlines our stability and position within greater Sydney and it is an illustration of how we are changing and adapting for the future.
The three major developments are in the area we’ve defined as the Mascot Station Precinct – an area where industry, much of it old and tired, is being replacing by vibrant residential.  Not all industry is going. But what is going are the noxious, the dirty, the inappropriate.
Industry, manufacturing industry, is being replaced by commercial operations, job-creating commercial operations, that auger well for our role and place in the growing services sector.
We have been able to create the right mix of residential and commercial development in the Mascot Station Precinct, as, indeed, we’ve done in parts of Botany.
This mix of commercial and residential means that we promote the creation of new jobs in our City, boosting the employment prospects of existing residents and making us attractive for new residents.
But we do not seek, nor do we promote, to attract new development at any cost.  The City of Botany Bay is open for new development but it has to be the right development.  
Not for us unbridled high-rise residential development with no facilities for the new residents or burdens on existing residents.
Not for us, cold and unattractive buildings or non descript and sole less towers that reduce rather than add to liveability. For us, new development must complement its surrounds and add to neighbourhoods and create a better lifestyle for residents.
In the developments now underway or planned, we have been able to achieve this right mix.
In recent editions of our newsletter for residents, I described the changes in the Mascot Station Precinct and its vibrancy and the influx of new residents. Our City is growing and it is growing in the right direction. Singles, young couples and young families are moving in.  We are seeing more children in our schools and in our playgrounds.
The new major developments not only bring in new and future residents, but they also give a boost to our local economy.  From local contractors through to proving lunches to the hundreds of workers on the sites, our City gains economic positives from the developments.
We also gain public infrastructure benefits – road widening and upgrades, land for public reserves, public landscaping and initiatives in sustainability, such as harvesting and reuse of storm water.
The first project I want to preview is a two stage, $150 million residential and commercial development fronting both Gardeners Road and Church Avenue is currently being assessed and subject to consultation.
Some 515 residential units are proposed on the site, located 619-629 Gardeners Road and 12-14 Church Avenue.  All up proposed are six towers of between six and 12 storey's, which will incorporate commercial businesses along Gardeners Road. Part of the Development Applications is for widening Church Avenue and the establishment of a public park, which would use storm water for the landscaping.
The development applications for the two stages were received in mid July and following the exhibition, which has resulted in some submissions from nearby residents, will be determined by the Joint Regional Planning Panel.
Also slated for determination by the Joint Regional Planning Panel will be a $20 million, residential and commercial development at 214-220 Coward Street. This development envisages 127 residential apartments and ground floor commercial suites.
Other major developments in the pipeline include, a $6.2 million, two stage, two block, 42 apartment complex at 1 Myrtle Street Botany, replacing an old warehouse.
There is also a $3 million McDonald’s on Gardeners Road at Eastlakes, a three-storey internet exchange centre on Gardeners Road at Mascot and redevelopment of sporting facilities and fields at the University of NSW’s David Phillips Field.

These developments show confidence in our City and its future. In that future, however, is the need to create more facilities for the growing number of residents. As our City grows, our demographics change and we’re seeing more and more young families move into our suburbs, creating a need for playgrounds.
I think we’ve kept pace with growing demand and our playgrounds, both new and existing, have become a welcome place for children and those who supervise the children.
There’s the regional playground at Booralee Park, which has been an outstanding success.  It is soon to be replicated down in Sir Joseph Banks Park and we’re about to get underway on the district park at Mascot Oval, both of which I gave details of at our last meeting.
But it is worth reiterating that for Mascot Park we will cater for the younger age groups.
And in this, we’re matching facilities with demographics.  As I said last month, in the past five to 10 years we’ve seen increases in residential development in this area, boosted by our Mascot Station precinct development and the Airport Rail Link. The latest census statistics we have shows that the area around Mascot Park – Gardeners Road to the north, Botany Road to the east, King Street to the south and Alexandria Canal to the west – show that 22% of the population are children aged 0 to 19.  A significantly larger proportion of children are in the 0-4 year age group – those for whom a playground is important.
The major development proposals I’ve mentioned will add to the numbers of young children, thus our decision on Mascot Park was both timely and correct.
By matching demand for playgrounds, determined by census statistics, with the actual provision of playgrounds we can meet community needs and give life and livability to the new residential developments.

Sep 13, 2010

Your City - Community Newsletter

The City of Botany Bay August 2010 Community Newsletter is now available for download  at

Chinese Book Club

For some time now we have been running our regular Book Club at the Central Library, Eastgardens which has proved very popular with those residents who read english well and also enjoy reading and discussing the works of different authors.  

In recent months our Librarians have had a number of enquiries regarding the possibility of providing the same opportunity for those who read in Chinese, so last week we launched the Joy Luck Book Club, and from all reports the first meeting was a great success.  I am told everyone left happy and looking forwarded to their next meeting.  For information on the Joy Luck Club, contact Isabella on 9366 3888 or Lin on 9366 3867.  

The new club complements our existing book club and we hope to be able to generate more, language-specific ones in the future.  The next most popular language at the Central Library is Arabic and if the demand is there we may add that to our book clubs as well.  If we haven’t got a particular book in a particular language we can always see if one of the other libraries in the Eastern Suburbs has it and we can get it in a couple of days. The inter-library loan system works very well and all the libraries in the South Sydney Region (SSROC) work together. If you’ve got a particular need, our library staff at either the Central Library or Mascot are there to help.

Sep 12, 2010

Walk to Work

Our new pedestrian/cycleway strip on Wentworth Avenue between Mascot and Eastgardens is proving to be a big success with more and more walkers and bike riders taking advantage of a great piece of new local infrastructure.  If you haven’t wandered along the new strip of concrete, had a close look at the waterways just off Wentworth Avenue and got some exercise you should – it’s well worth it.  

I’d like to invite everyone to have a walk along the pathway on Walk to Work Day on Friday October 1. Walk to Work Day is now in its 12th year and grows each year.  I can remember one of the first Walk to Work Days when I and a few others walked around L’Estrange Park as we headed down to the Council offices in Coward Street.  This year, the new walkway along Wentworth Avenue will be the place to go and get fitter.

Sep 11, 2010

Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal

Over the next few weeks, a collection for the Heart Foundation’s Doorknock Appeal for 2010 may call on you.  This is a worthwhile appeal and worthy of all our support.

Come visit Audaciousville!

As many of our residents already know, Daceyville has a rich past – and now we’ve made it the theme of our 2010 History Week celebrations. We have opened  a comprehensive exhibition about Daceyville at George Hanna Memorial Museum, which is collocated with our revamped and upgraded Mascot Library in Hatfield Street at Mascot.

As Australia's first public housing scheme, the neighbourhood has a unique history. This exhibition travels to all corners of its past, from the dust bowl it once was to its pioneering role in Sydney's use of town planning. You will see the lives of families who have called Daceyville home and learn how the suburb was nearly destroyed in the 1970s. Charles Wade may have criticised and nicknamed the suburb "Audaciousville" back in 1912, but as this exhibition will show, there is something to being daring and bold.   The exhibition will run for some months and it will be well worth a visit – and you can have a look at the great additions in the Library.

Sep 5, 2010

Vacation Care

It’s that time of year when school holidays are around the corner and our vacation care will, once again, be open for the duration. Vacation Care will operate from Pagewood Public School between Monday 27 September and Friday 8 October.

The Centre is open from 7 am to 6 pm and provides a full day of recreational indoor and outdoor games. We incorporate sports, art and craft and cooking into the program. We value giving the children choices and options to participate in activities. Children are free to choose the activities they would like to participate in during their holiday.  

Excursions are not a compulsory part of our program and children who do not attend excursions are provided with awesome activities at the Centre. The theme for these holidays is “A Kaleidoscope of Colour” so the children will participate in a variety of colourful art and craft experiences, including plaster painting, making book marks, jewellery making, Hama bead creations and much more. Special activities are organized for the 9+ age group, including Wii games and a trip to Bottanix Café for morning tea.

Special Centre incursions will include a Science show –“Sherbet, Slime, Bubbles”, “Life Be In It” games morning, puppet show, pony rides and a fun disco with DJ Andy on the final day. Excursions include Booralee Park for the younger children, Luna Park for the 9+ age group, Calmsley Hill Animal Farm, a visit to the Sydney Children’s Festival and a live theatre experience at the Seymour Centre. Enrolment Day for the program will be held on Tuesday, 14 September from 4.30pm to 7.00pm at Pagewood Public School-Classroom 6. For more details or to obtain a registration pack please call Sherryl on 93663576.