Jun 25, 2012

Sydney Water Sewer Fix Program

Sydney Water have advised they will begin work on another section of the Southern and Western Suburbs Ocean Outfall System (SWSOOS) near Sydney Airport, Mascot and finish near Hayden Place, Botany. This work will begin towards the end of June. Works will be undertaken between 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.

They advise during the work residents and businesses may notice additional noise, odours, vehicle movements and some parking, pedestrian and cyclist restrictions. Traffic control will be in place. The work is part of Sydney Water’s SewerFix program to improve the wastewater system and protect public health and the environment.

Jun 22, 2012

Plans underway for crossing at Botany Public School

At the request of Botany Public School and its Parents and Citizens Association we have put plans in motion to install a pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Bay Street and Botany Road. Plans for the crossing are being designed which will be forwarded to the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for approval. The crossing requires RMS approval due to its close proximity to Botany Road.

Garnett Jackson hit by vandals

Just weeks after its completion the new walking track in Garnett Jackson Reserve, Botany, has been hit by vandals who call themselves graffiti artists. The path was vandalised in four different locations and whilst it does not stop the track from being used it looks unsightly and additional costs have to be incurred to remove it. I know that residents in Botany are excited about the upgrades and when I inspected the damage the upside to my visit was that I witnessed first hand the true purpose of the park as I watched a young dad teaching his son to kick a footie. It felt good.

Disappointing Daceyville Birthday Celebrations

It is always a gamble to host an outdoor function but we could not have picked a worse date than June 11 – the wettest June day in five years! I have been inundated with calls from near and far asking if we are planning on rescheduling. We will decide this week to look at all our options as well as try taking a look at the long range weather forecast, although it did not help us get right last weekend. I will keep everyone informed through the here and the Southern Courier.

Nature Strip Rebates close in July

A reminder to all residents that application forms for the annual Nature Strip Water Rebate must be in by Friday, July 6th. The rebate is not automatic you must reapply each year.

Jun 15, 2012

Garden Party Photos now available

The photos from my annual Garden Party for Seniors are now available from my office in Eastgardens. I invite all those who attended to pop in and have a look. If you find one you like simply let the girls know and they will arrange for a copy to be printed.

Vacation Care – Enrol now

Enrolments for Vacation Care for the July school holidays are now open. You can enrol in person on Tuesday June 19th from 4pm to 6.30pm at the Botany Afterschool Care Room, Botany Public School, Bay Street, Botany or you can go on line to www.botanybay.nsw.gov.au and download the necessary forms from the Community Services section. Or you can give Sherryl a call on 93663576 or Grace on 96666128 (between 3pm and 6pm).

Vacation Care will run from Monday July 2 to Friday July 13, at Botany Public School. The theme this semester will be “The Olympics” which will be very topical with the Olympics soon to get underway in London.

Well done Pagewood Seniors

Each year Pagewood Senior Citizens hold a “Biggest Morning Tea” to raise funds for the Cancer Council. They held it again this year and raised $500. Congratulations and well done to Pagewood Seniors and its members for their commitment to this very worthy cause.

J J Cahill on exhibition

The next exhibition to be held in the George Hanna Museum opens Monday June 18, and features works of art and photography from the students of J J Cahill.

The exhibition features art by Visual Arts, Photographic and Digital Media students. Some of the exhibition highlights include painted surfboards produced in response to the 2005 Cronulla Riots and black & white images created with pinhole cameras which the students made. So make sure you pop down to Mascot Library, the Museum is located inside, to see the works by these talented students.

Garden Competition 25th year!

In comparison to Daceyville our first garden suburb, whose 100th year was celebrated just yesterday our Annual Garden Competition is a baby. Nonetheless 25 years is pretty significant and we are hoping this will be our best ever! It’s not until September but I just thought I would give all our budding gardens are reminder that now is a good time to start getting things into shape. Our judges are not looking for masterpieces, just well kept, much loved gardens. So don’t be afraid to enter everyone is welcome, and if you don’t win a prize it is always nice to just have the opportunity of mixing with, and swapping ideas, with your fellow gardeners. A special presentation book featuring last years’ winners is on display in my office at Eastgardens. Feel free to pop in and check out the competition. Nominations will open in August and judging will take place in September. 

On the subject of gardens, if you have been lending a hand and maintaining your nature strip don’t forget to get your Nature Strip Rebate application in before July 6th 2012. You must re-apply each year, it is not an automatic rebate.

Rabbit baiting program

It may seem cruel to some people but it’s something we have to do to protect our parks. What I’m writing about is a rabbit baiting program that commenced at the Botany Golf Course on June 13. Rabbits can be a huge menace and cause real damage to our local environment. Around our suburbs where there are open spaces, rabbits breed almost unabated. The baiting program will run for a couple of weeks and there will be signs erected. If you live around the Golf Course and you have pets you’ll need to keep them close to home as we undertake the eradication program.

Jun 7, 2012

Monday is the Fun Day!

This coming Monday, June 11, is the day we celebrate Daceyville turning 100! We are throwing a fabulous party in Dacey Gardens, where Bunnerong Road meets Gardeners Road and you are all invited.

Julie, Joy, Amber and Blinky Bill will be there!

Masterchef, Julie Goodwin will be popping in to judge the home made cakes, sweets, jams and biscuits as well doing a cooking demonstration. Joy Smithers will be adding her usual flare to the day as she MC’s centre stage and in the afternoon our very own Amber Lawrence will entertain us. In between there will be kid shows, foodstalls, arts and crafts, dancing, school performances and historical walks. It starts at 10am and doesn’t stop until 4pm. If you live in our City you will receive your invitation and program in your letterbox. It’s bright pink so you won’t miss it. If you need more information give my office call on 93663600.
Are you are budding Masterchef?

Masterchef Julie Goodwin is very excited about meeting the wonderful home based chefs from our part of the world and tasting their fare. If you want to put your favourite cake, cookie, old fashioned sweets or jam recipe to the test then whip up a batch and bring it along on the day. It must be at the judging marquee by 10am on Monday. I remember the old school fetes when mum used to make a batch of toffees with sprinkles on top or chewy Russian caramels full of condensed milk. I am looking forward to visiting this stall on the day! Everyone from six to 100 is invited to enter.

Jun 4, 2012

Your City - Winter Edition

The Winter edition of "Your City" has been distributed to residents. It can be downloaded at http://tinyurl.com/7br2zqj

Jun 3, 2012

Trees and Leaves

We’re well into Autumn and this time of year means the deciduous trees lose their leaves – that’s Nature and there’s nothing we can do about that. The deciduous trees let the light shine through up and down our streets during Autumn and Winter and give us shade in Spring and Summer. 

We plant them specifically for those reasons as well as the softening impact trees have on our streetscape. I’m often staggered when people contact me and other Councillors suggesting that we get rid of the trees because leaves build up in the streets and footpaths.

Our outdoor staff and the street sweepers are constantly on the move and cleaning up the leaves – and other rubbish left not by Nature but by humans. I make no apology for the number of trees we’ve planted over the years, something I know the overwhelmingly number of residents agree with. 

The Autumn leaf drop will soon come to an end and I hope along with it the few people who want the trees removed to stop what they think is a “leaf problem”. It’s no problem and the trees will remain – and so too the leaves

Line Dancers Wanted

It’s a bit of western-type fun (and that’s why we have a wanted notice) but the line dancers at Pagewood Senior Citizens need some more dancers to join in their renowned line dancing troupe. The boot scooters kick off between 11.00am and 12 noon every Monday at Pagewood Senior Citizens Centre at 35 Dalley Avenue in Pagewood. Come along and join in – you’ll meet new people, have fun and keep fit as well. For more information, contact Don on 9669 1182.